Thursday, 2 August 2007

Chaos Project: Week Seven - Loving Others By Deeds

Got a good book stuck on your shelves gathering dust? Set it free through! The idea is simple – you go to the website for a free unique ID code for the book, which you write on the front page. Then you release it into the wild (leave it in a suitable public place) for someone else to find it. When someone picks it up, if they notice the instructions on the front page, they will be able to log onto the site and let them know it has been found and even leave a comment. This will be emailed and so you can track your book as it gets passed from reader to reader.

Chaos Project: Week Seven - Loving Others In Words

Look out for someone who’s trying really hard to do the right thing. This often goes unnoticed. Tell them that you’ve seen what they’re doing and are impressed! Try and remember to pray for them too.

Chaos Project: Week Seven - Loving Others Through Prayer

Mahatma Gandhi once said, “Be the change you want to see in the world”. Not so far from Jesus telling us to love others as ourselves really. Take sometime to pray about this inspiring quote, and ask for God to show you the change you should make, and then pray for the Spirit’s help to make it. Then do it!