Thursday, 2 August 2007

Chaos Project: Week Seven - Loving Others By Deeds

Got a good book stuck on your shelves gathering dust? Set it free through! The idea is simple – you go to the website for a free unique ID code for the book, which you write on the front page. Then you release it into the wild (leave it in a suitable public place) for someone else to find it. When someone picks it up, if they notice the instructions on the front page, they will be able to log onto the site and let them know it has been found and even leave a comment. This will be emailed and so you can track your book as it gets passed from reader to reader.

Chaos Project: Week Seven - Loving Others In Words

Look out for someone who’s trying really hard to do the right thing. This often goes unnoticed. Tell them that you’ve seen what they’re doing and are impressed! Try and remember to pray for them too.

Chaos Project: Week Seven - Loving Others Through Prayer

Mahatma Gandhi once said, “Be the change you want to see in the world”. Not so far from Jesus telling us to love others as ourselves really. Take sometime to pray about this inspiring quote, and ask for God to show you the change you should make, and then pray for the Spirit’s help to make it. Then do it!

Saturday, 28 July 2007

Chaos Project: Week Six - Loving Others By Deeds

Practise the art of reverse haggling – donate unwanted stuff to a charity shop, and whilst you’re there, buy something (if you can’t see anything you want, pick up something for someone else) and confuse the wonderful people that work in the shop by paying them more than they bargained for…

Chaos Project: Week Six: Loving Others In Words

Spend time with someone from another generation.

“Talk to old people: THEY KNOW COOL STUFF YOU DON’T

“Talk to young people: THEY KNOW COOL STUFF YOU DON’T

Chaos Project: Week Six - Loving Others Through Prayer

Pray for those caught up in the recent floods in the UK, especially the vulnerable. Pray for an end to the flooding, the clear up and those who have lost much.

Chaos Project: Week Five - Loving Others Through Prayer

Is there a journey that you take regularly? Maybe it’s the school run or daily commute. This week, transform your journey into a prayer walk – pray for the people you see, the homes you pass, and the work that is carried out around you.

Chaos Project: Week Five - Loving Others in Words

Pray that you will have the opportunity to talk about Jesus with someone this week, and then look out for it and take it. It doesn’t need to be a big conversation, maybe just a quick mention amongst other things – even that can make a big difference.

Chaos Project: Week Five - Loving Others by Deeds

Start switching your light bulbs to energy saving ones. It is the poor who are/will be most affected by climate change and over consumption of the world’s resources by the ‘wealthy’ west.

Thursday, 26 July 2007

The Chaos Project: Week Four - Loving Others Through Prayer

We're considering running an Alpha Course after the Summer holidays.
Start praying about it now, especially asking if there is anyone that
you should invite to come along.

The Chaos Project: Week Four - Loving Others in Words

Jesus said, "Simply let your 'Yes' be 'Yes,' and your 'No,' 'No'"
(Mt. 5:37) Make a deliberate effort one day, having asked for the
Spirit's assistance, to speak honestly. Be alert to the little ways we
are tempted to fudge the truth or deceive others subtly to our

The Chaos Project: Week Four - Loving Others by Deeds

Make the effort to visit someone you know who is sick or lonely - it
is so easy for us to become so caught up in our daily lives that we
forget to care for others.

Friday, 6 July 2007

The Chaos Project: Week Three - Loving Others by Deeds

Surprise someone at work by getting him or her a cup of coffee (or tea!) when you get one for yourself. If you get the chance to be prepared beforehand, get a cake or biscuit for them too.

The Chaos Project: Week Three - Loving Others in Words

If someone asks you about your weekend this week, take the opportunity to include going to church and what that means to you. There's no need to over do it, but its very easy not to say anything at all. Who knows where mentioning it may take the conversation.

The Chaos Project: Week Three - Loving Others Through Prayer

Pray that God will help you listen to the promptings of his Spirit, and make a conscious effort this week to listen out for the quiet whisper of God calling you to help others.

Saturday, 23 June 2007

The Chaos Project: Week Two - Loving Others by Deeds

How well do you know your neighbours? It is all too easy to live next door to someone for years without really getting to know them. Invite your neighbours around for a coffee or meal.

The Chaos Project: Week Two - Loving Others in Words

Make an effort to say hello to someone you see regularly but don't talk to. Be open to God prompting you to take the conversation further. Maybe this person is just aching for someone to come alongside them.

The Chaos Project: Week Two - Loving Others Through Prayer

Spend some time with God reflecting on how you became a Christian. Think especially about the people involved. What was it about them that helped you? What did they say or do that brought you one more step on the journey of faith? Try and find a way of letting them know how God used them to help you!

Tuesday, 19 June 2007

Actions Wanted

If you have any actions you'd like to suggest for The Chaos Project, hit the comments link under this post and leave them there! All contributions welcome.

The Chaos Project: Week One - Loving Others by Deeds

Practise undercover love - try and do a good deed each day in such a way that no one else will know it was you! (Mt. 6:1-4)

The Chaos Project: Week One - Loving Others in Words

As Christians, all that we do is worship - not just singing songs. Try and set one day aside to focus on seeing your speech as worship. Try and see your conversations with others as worship - at work/school, home and with your friends. Chose you words carefully, trying to speak in such a way as to please God. (Psalm 19:14)

The Chaos Project: Week One - Loving Others through Prayer

Ask someone at church who is involved in serving the community how you can pray for them in this activity over the coming week. Try and pray for them everyday. At the end of the week, go back and ask how they've got on. (Eccles. 4:12)

Thursday, 14 June 2007

What is the Chaos Project?

Chaos Theory suggests that a butterfly flapping its wings in Brazil can set off a chain of unpredictable events leading to a tornado in Texas! The same can be equally true of our lives – small things that we do can have a large effect on others, hence The Chaos Project

At church each week a list of suggested activities will be handed out for individuals or groups to sign up to, committing themselves to trying that activity out during the week. The following Sunday there will be an opportunity for feedback. The activities will be invitations to love those around us through prayer, words or actions. Through doing these we pray that God will soften our hearts towards others and give us opportunities to share Christ's love.